Digha is a rather popular beach destination in West Bengal …about 4 hrs from Kolkata. We decided to take a bus…I was rather reluctant…I hate long journeys in a bus and that too a local over crowded one. Add to it the fact that this was almost a night bus starting from Kolkata at about 6:30 in the evening. The seats in the bus, as expected were cramped….especially for a gigantic person like me! I was with Nitesh and Abdul….and decided to take the aisle seat. We stuffed our bags with Lays, biscuits and pepsies knowing rather well that the place that the buggers are gonna stop at would be rather sad and overpriced to say the least! WE started moving at about 6:45 and almost immediately got stuck in the famous Kolkata Traffic near the station. By the time we were out it was almost 7:45. I was prepared for the worst and the worst was just about ready for me!
The bus was super full with people standing in rows or fours in the centre almost. The guy standing next to me was sleeping … yes sleeping while he was standing and kept falling over on me until I jutted my elbow into his leg. Not even an hour and my behind started to hurt coz the seats were that bad! The guy played Himesh Reshamiya songs on the TV…I don’t know what it is with the kolkatans and Himesh Bhai Reshammiya!! Luckily he decided to switch after about half an hour of torture and put on “Prahaar”…it’s the Nana Patekar- commando movie if u remember!
He stopped midway after which I took the window seat. The biggest mistake…I was merrily enjoying the movie and the cool breeze when suddenly the guy in front of me started to vomit….and my window was open …unfortunately….the rest as they say is history!! I ended up swearing and shouting at the guy and all he did was offer a “sorry” which infuriated me further! A bad start indeed!
We reached Digha at about 1130…rather late by Bengali standards and started our hotel hunt. WE did finally locate one which looked reasonably ok for the amount that it was charging….The first thing I did as soon as I reached was to have a bath…..no hot water..!! It was rather cold that day….the first time I felt cold in and around Kolkata. The bed was rather inviting after the tiring and eventful journey and crashed on it. O yeah….we did switch on the TV at the hotel….Late night TV at its worst! We decide that the sunrise tomorrow would be better than what was on.
I decided to get up early ….Abdul got up with me too. It was still dark. The air was still chilly…we took the road to the beach…it was uncannily empty and we wondered if we were too early! The beach was a rather unpleasant surprise. Hoards of people….and I mean loadssssss of them….looked as though they had spent the night on the beach…A whole lot of them dressed as though it is -25 degrees with their mufflers, monkey caps and everything else brushing their teeth on the beach as though it was a private bathroom and spitting in the sea water. Talking and walking while u r brushing…..bengal never ceases to shock me! I even saw early morning droppings on the beach which gave me a rather icky feeling and we decided to walk to the corner of the beach which would be less crowded even though far.
The sunrise was a spectacular site…U gotta see it to believe it! It gave a sense of peace, calm , tranquility almost as though telling us that this day would be better! We just stood there and watched it come up from the rather dull red small sphere to the bright orange and rather warm one…WE walked back to the hotel room and ordered breakfast. We were rather hungry having not eaten the night before so we ordered parathas. What we got was anything but a paratha…Square shaped pieces made of maida and oil deep fried to the point of them becoming papads served with guess what???? Aaloo…what else!! Rather disappointing!!
We checked out of the hotel and decided that we need to head back when we suddenly remembered about Sankarpur. I’d read somewhere that the beach was rather serene and quiet and u can actually see the fisherman work out there. Not expecting too much we decided to head off to the place. We took yet another bus to a place called 14th mile…It’s a village of sorts….14 miles from Digha. The beach is another 5 kms from the village. Not locating any mode of transport we decided to walk. Suddenly we saw a person an a Thela rikshaw which had a motor attached. He drove to us and offered to drop us to the beach for 50 bucks. WE decided to take the hitch and as we were going, realized that this is a rather common mode of transport here. The roads were empty and almost non existent. It gave us hope…yet again of the place being clean. It looked rather clean. 15 bone shaking but extremely fun filled minutes later we reached the beach. WE had to walk for about had a km through the trees to reach the beach. And it was a wonderful sight….The beach was absolutely clean….pristine. Abdul and Nitesh got excited and decided to jump into the water. I was not up to it for reason best known to me and decided to sit and relax as my mind started to wander over the last few months of my life which’ve been a big learning experience for more reasons than one. I decided to pick up my book and start reading it. I’m reading this autobiography of Lance Armstrong… “It’s not about a Bike” for the second time in as many months. A very inspiring book...very simple and hard hitting!
I could see the fisherman at work….pulling the net, which they put earlier, back. Little by little they pulled it back…looked like a Herculean effort and the catch was rather small. Yet another reminded that good things come only if u work hard and even then there is no certainty.
After having spent about 2 hrs there we decided to have our lunch and head back. WE hiked for almost a km before we found something to eat. We took another motorized thela…this time to a place called Ramnagar from where we were to catch our bus back to Kolkata. It was a state bus and the seats were harder than the ones we came on. However, in a way I was glad I was coming back…4 hrs later the first thing that came outta my mouth was…” I’m glad, we are in Kolkata…!” I never thought I’d say that ever!!
Another reminder….Now is Not Forever!!!!