Statutory Warning:
1) This is gonna be long so brace yourself……:).
2) I haven’t read it over…so E&OE. Please to Bear…
1) This is gonna be long so brace yourself……:).
2) I haven’t read it over…so E&OE. Please to Bear…
I had been dreading the Pooja vacations we were to get. I’d heard people say that that’s one time when no one….NOONE in Calcutta stays at home. Now, anyone who has been to Calcutta would know that this is a crowded place… (And that’s an understatement). The prospect of facing scores of people isn’t exactly my concept of a holiday. So we thought of getting out of here……and get out we did. They say when you do something do it big. We planned a 3 day trip to Sikkim. The idea being to run away from the maddening rush. Here’s a small travelogue….
September 28th, 2006- We had booked ourselves on a Volvo bus which was to leave Calcutta at abt 6 pm and take us to Siliguri (I love the name of this place for some reason….Silly Guri). They said that normally it took about 12 hrs and a Volvo would get us there in about 10. So we decided to shell out those extra 500 bucks. I packed my stuff in my favorite blue adidas bag. (Its been places with me…). First look at the bus and I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow….It was a huge bus with rather uncomfortable seats and to top it all, it was pink in color....rather jazzy. 28th is the pre pooja day in Calcutta. We hoped that we’ll beat the traffic. It wasn’t to happen. We got stuck in the Cal traffic….2 hrs!I used the opportunity to make a few calls…I called my mom, dad, Mann(shez a very good friend...hails from siliguri) and a couple of other friends trying to make them jealous! It gave me a sadistic pleasure: D.
The lesser I talk abt the journey, the better it is…..It was horrendously uncomfortable…..!!! And to top it all the bus wala put on Himesh Reshamiya’s numbers…..yes an entire cassette……..TWICE! The bus stopped at abt 11 for dinner. Bhaat with dal and aaloo dom is the only thing they were serving…..I decided to skip and instead munched on a big bag of Lays which I bought for myself……I forced myself to doze off at about 12……
September 29th, 2006- Its 5 am and the bus stops again for morning tea. I wash my face at a hand pump and ask someone how long it’d take…. "5hrs at least!” came the answer. I walked up to the shop and bought a Tropicana litchi swirl for myself….I do not drink tea! The bus moved again and I dozed off. An hour later I thought I heard someone cry in pain…..I got up only to realize Mr. Reshamiya at his nasal best yet again……6 in the morning…!! I looked out and it was sunny…..I smiled to myself and started enjoying the songs for the first time. I was on a vacation!!
September 29th, 2006- Its 5 am and the bus stops again for morning tea. I wash my face at a hand pump and ask someone how long it’d take…. "5hrs at least!” came the answer. I walked up to the shop and bought a Tropicana litchi swirl for myself….I do not drink tea! The bus moved again and I dozed off. An hour later I thought I heard someone cry in pain…..I got up only to realize Mr. Reshamiya at his nasal best yet again……6 in the morning…!! I looked out and it was sunny…..I smiled to myself and started enjoying the songs for the first time. I was on a vacation!!
About 3 hrs later I could see tea gardens…small green bushes spreading the expanse. I thought it was a pretty sight…..there was more to come….a few minutes later I could also see hills on the background. I had to talk to someone…I called up Mann and spoke to her for a while till I could see a snow capped mountain….People said it was the Kanchanjunga….I asked Mann if it was….she should know…she is from here…and I got the weirdest response….” Oh yeah…..if it is white….so white that it hurts your eyes….You should carry sunglasses!!”
We reached Siliguri at about 11 am….after the 16 hr journey through the single laned potholed road or rather the “roady potholes”! The minute we got off a bus we were mobbed by touts….”Sir Gangtok…sir Gangtok??”, “Bolo Darjeeling, bolo Darjeeling”, “ Pelling Pelling……??”. I almost felt like a foreign tourist…. We decided to ignore everyone and passed through the sea of touts into a small dhaba and eat something. We ordered for aaloo paratha and what we got was a poori stuffed with something which was supposedly aaloo….15 bucks for each poori. I ate two and told myself that I was full! Then started the epic battle to get to Gangtok.
We reached Siliguri at about 11 am….after the 16 hr journey through the single laned potholed road or rather the “roady potholes”! The minute we got off a bus we were mobbed by touts….”Sir Gangtok…sir Gangtok??”, “Bolo Darjeeling, bolo Darjeeling”, “ Pelling Pelling……??”. I almost felt like a foreign tourist…. We decided to ignore everyone and passed through the sea of touts into a small dhaba and eat something. We ordered for aaloo paratha and what we got was a poori stuffed with something which was supposedly aaloo….15 bucks for each poori. I ate two and told myself that I was full! Then started the epic battle to get to Gangtok.
We jumped back into the sea of touts and struck a deal with one of the agents….A hotel in Gangtok @ 600 bucks a night + food for all three of us plus a drop to Gangtok at a hundred bucks. And this was after 1 hr of bargaining…..and I’m not kidding when I say 1 hour. We felt a sense of accomplishment.
It was a Sumo which had to take us all the way up to Gangtok…..120 odd kms and 5 hrs. I popped in an avomine and I was all set. Siliguri was hot…but then I am used to hot. Abdul, being from Bangalore was loosing it and fought with the Sumo driver for not moving. We started at about 1:30 pm. As we moved through the plains towards the hills, I caught myself smiling a lot of times. My first “unplanned” trip….I could sense that it was going to be a whole lot of fun….There had been a few landslides and the roads were bad…..It took us almost 6 hrs….the thing that first struck me as soon as we entered sikkim was a board which read… “Forget your worries, you’re in Sikkim!” I could see the teesta flow along all the way and it was really flowing…. Flowing water, Green mountains, Fresh air, Small towns….stuff that dreams are often made of!!
Another bone jerking, bum hurting journey came to an end at abt 6 in the evening and I could hear my bones crack as I got out of the sumo. It was dark already…..we walked up the main road and enquired about trips to Yumthang. We had already lost a day. The hotel, which was supposed to be 5 minutes from to city turned out to be 20 minutes but it was a neat hotel. We were so dead tired by then that we just dumped our bags in the room, had a bath and hit the sacks at 9… day was a big one.
Sikkimese are a happy bunch of people. I haven’t seen so many smiles at a time…ever.
Another bone jerking, bum hurting journey came to an end at abt 6 in the evening and I could hear my bones crack as I got out of the sumo. It was dark already…..we walked up the main road and enquired about trips to Yumthang. We had already lost a day. The hotel, which was supposed to be 5 minutes from to city turned out to be 20 minutes but it was a neat hotel. We were so dead tired by then that we just dumped our bags in the room, had a bath and hit the sacks at 9… day was a big one.
Sikkimese are a happy bunch of people. I haven’t seen so many smiles at a time…ever.

We left for Yumthang at about 11. It’s a 130 km…7 hr journey to the “Mini Switzerland of India”… (YES…that’s how the travel agent sold it to us…). We had a 10 seater waiting for us …..We got the back seats again. The drive is awesome…mountain after mountain….each one looking similar to the last one….the roads almost non existent…..but we dint seem to mind. The path weaves around the mountains in an almost serpentine manner…..the mountains are rich green with hardly a brown patch visible….Water drops down from the tops of these mountains from p

We stopped en route on seven sister falls which is by far the biggest waterfalls I’ve seen off a mountain top. It was awe inspiring. Lunch was at a small place called Phodong. Guess what…? Bhaat and daal…By now I was sick of eating bhaat and I promised myself never to eat rice again for the entire length of the trip. By the time we reached Lachung,( that’s where we had to stay for the night) it was night……and the drive on those roads

Sikkim as a state is divided into 4 parts…..North Sikkim is renowned for its untouched natural beauty. East Sikkim is the more touristy part and this is where we have the Nathula pass opening into China…South Sikkim is heavily under the Buddhist influence and has all the monasteries. West is the place to go if u are an adventure seeker. They’ve got trekking and river rafting…..people often trek upto the base camp of the Kanchunjunga.
October 1st, 2006- Another early morning. We were ready for a long day yet again. The Jeep

We were told that the zero point (that’s where the
vegetation ends….thats where the roads end as well…..)is about another 35 kms and a 2 hr drive…..straight up. As we drove up we could see the vegetation around change….from huge pine trees to green bushes which changed to red and then brown growing shorter and shorter in height and finally nothing but rocks....The view up there was breath taking….it looked a replica of the Yumthang Valley sans the greenery. It was as though it was the replica of it but someone had forgotten to put in the colors….only brown…and white as well….White for the snow.

October 2nd, 2006- We decided that since we’d come all this way, we couldn’t go back without going to the much hyped Nathula Pass. We found out that the same is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays…..2nd happened to be a Monday. Even on a regular day you need a personal as well as a vehicular permit to go there…..and only about 30vehicles are allowed each day. We decided to go around for some local sight seeing around Gangtok We booked a cab. The
driver was a sikkimese name MikMah… (a as in “at”). He was with us for an entire day. He urged us to go to a place called Changu Lake… (Also spelt Tsomgo Lake). It was a lake up above in the mountains which got its waters from the melting snow….It is the most picturesque lake you’ll ever come across….While we were there we saw the clouds come in over the lake and engulf it. It was the most amazing sight ever. One minute you are looking at this beautiful lake….within a minute it was engulfed by a large white cloud. You could be forgiven to mistake it for smoke…..It was as though nature was reminding you again that it has the power of protecting its beauty from you. It was the most belittling moment in more ways than one.

We moved from there towards a place called “Baba mandir”. A legend goes which says that there was a sikh soldier who slipped and fell into a stream while on a patrol. His body wasn’t recovered. One night, one of his mates had a dream and saw this guy who told him to make a “Samadhi” at a particular place. So this mandir for him at his request. Every night, it is believed, that his soul comes alive and guards the area surrounding the mandir. The legend itself is enough to amaze you…Add to it the beauty of the place and the surroundings that it’s built in. Words or pictures can’t describe it.
We saw some yak wala’s around and Abdul and Nitesh tried sitting on them. They looked funny….!
We drove back all the way to Gangtok. It took us about another 2 hrs. It was lunch time till then. We had momos (10 bucks for a plate….can u beat that???) for lunch and moved on to Rumtek monastery. I had been specifically told that the monastery is exceptionaly beautiful by Mann….And I wasn’t disappointed. It is one of the most peaceful places I’ve ever been to.

We moved from there towards a place called “Baba mandir”. A legend goes which says that there was a sikh soldier who slipped and fell into a stream while on a patrol. His body wasn’t recovered. One night, one of his mates had a dream and saw this guy who told him to make a “Samadhi” at a particular place. So this mandir for him at his request. Every night, it is believed, that his soul comes alive and guards the area surrounding the mandir. The legend itself is enough to amaze you…Add to it the beauty of the place and the surroundings that it’s built in. Words or pictures can’t describe it.
We saw some yak wala’s around and Abdul and Nitesh tried sitting on them. They looked funny….!
We drove back all the way to Gangtok. It took us about another 2 hrs. It was lunch time till then. We had momos (10 bucks for a plate….can u beat that???) for lunch and moved on to Rumtek monastery. I had been specifically told that the monastery is exceptionaly beautiful by Mann….And I wasn’t disappointed. It is one of the most peaceful places I’ve ever been to.
walked around the entire monastry…got a picture clicked with two monks…even got to see a small prayer happening. It was just two monks sitting and praying. I saw the young monks sitting and reciting their lessons. Just an amazing feeling walking around there!!! I sat there for a good 1 hour looking at people move about. Gave me a strange sense of inner peace and calm.

We came back to gangtok by 7. Decided to have an early dinner….we went into this hotel called the Tashi Delek. It had the most awesome of roof tops restaurant that I’ve ever seen….Just imagine….Night sky littered with millions of stars…a half moon….dark shadowy huge mountains
in front tittered with yellow lights in front. As you look to the right…all you see is specks of lights as though fireflies… was infact the lights of Gangtok.. The realization dawned then….the trip's coming to an end….An awesome 72 hrs….!!

October 3rd, 2006- We decided to get up late….it was raining again. We took a 12 o’ clock cab back down to siliguri. The driver was a maniac. He drove at speeds of 60 on the mountain curves….While coming it’d taken us abt 5 hrs ….we reached the siliguri bus stand in 3and half hrs flat. The bus was at 7…..we had time on our hands…we had a little something to eat at one of the dhabas. We had 3 hrs and nothing to do……I remembered Mann telling me that in Siliguri we have to visit the Hong Kong Market….We asked someone and we reached the place…and all I could see was shops which were selling cloth. I was wondering why would she send me to a cloth market…..I called her up and demanded that she tells me a better place. She sounded taken aback and directed me to A place called Millennium Paradise. It was supposedly a bowling alley. We asked around and were promptly directed and ended up in front of a shop called millennium sports. The three of us with our back packs on our shoulders looking at each other as though we’re fools. Called Mann up for directions again and finally reached a place with a huge board….”MILLENIUM PARADISE”….we walked closer and saw a smaller one… “to let for sale”. Limits…..the auto wala took pity on us and dropped us to the ISKON temple where we managed to somehow spend 2 hrs. We happened to go in for a light and sound show which started with a girl dancing to the tune of a bhajan sang in the tune which reminded you of “ Kajraare”!! But it was fun…time pass…..

tanuj... im speechless...
dis is d bestst gift ne1 cud hv givn me.. iv been away 4m home 4 such a long time-u hv no idea wt ur words, ur pics coupled with the obvious passion n enthu uve put into this travelog are doing 2 my heart rite now.. i feel like im in darjeeling being pressed on all sides by the crowd, rushing for cover from d sudden rains.. i can smell d aroma of momos being steamed.. i cn feel the cold water of the teesta wash ovr my feet and the breeze... the fresh air... god i miss the fresh air... all dose kids with the ripe red cheeks, the chaos of siliguri... i wish ud mentioned "Ar Bu" here...
tanuj here, called me n goes, "hey we went 2 Ar Bu"... "Whats Ar Bu?"... "Kya yaar, tu siliguri mein rehti hai aur tereko pata nahi hoga to aur kise?" he went on to giv me the directions... turns out... he was talking abt AIR VIEW!!!
this post hs got a genuine smile to stick itself firmly on my face bcuz im in pune, bt i feel like im bk amongst my ppl... f course, ur "picture of beatific benevolence" helps too... live it up tanuj... u jst shwd a wandering soul, her way home...
aur sunna... woh kiddie wala foto mujhe mail kar dena... pls...
LOVED IT....beyond words....hav read it thrice since mannz mail informed me bout it...n hav been looking fo d rite words to express how i feel...but failed:(
can't believe therz a place like dat in my own country...m sure heavn wnt get ne bettr dan dis!
whoevr said kashmir is heaven on earth shud b sent to sikkim i guess!:)
but totally loved each line in dat post...n all those pictures...everythings jus awesome!
n now i really hope to visit dis place one day!thank u tanuj fo adding sikkim to my dream destinations...i cant wait to experience dat peace around me!
dis is not it...i got much mre to say...n i guess m gonna read it again n again n cme bak wid mre comments:)
n hey mann dat ar bu thing is really funny!u sure shud have added it here tanuj!n hey do tell me mre bout dat movie hall yaar:))
still in search o bettr words...gunjan!
It was the auto wala in Siliguri who asked me to get off at Arbu and catch another auto from there!!! How was i to know that the arbu was air view and not arbu!!
@ mann
I'm glad u liked know what? I knew this was decent....but u humble me mann...u sure it deserves itna praise....???coming from someone who reads as much as u do.....means a LOT!!
Hey thanks re.....took me all of 5 hrs to write that.....well i was doing other work in between too:). but thank u thank u thanku soo much...
Kashmir is very beautiful too...this has its own charm...keep both of them in ur wish list!!
@ goonj and mann
1.No comments at the baba mandir wala picture....I thought that looked pretty phunny!!!
2. You guys on touch on does not know! why?
and wat say u abt "bengu-bai"? n gooonj hs gvn u her email... so u cn hardly complain...
@ gunjan
Hey thanks a don't know how much these coments mean.... and hey thanks for the ID....
Bengubai is a purfectly suitable name for a place....and it sounds cimilar to bengdubi!and hey....U know me....Now that Í have the ID, I'll find something else to complain about!!!
ar bu and bengubai? nxt ur gonna tell me kolkata is calicut and chennai is chinmai... n wt r u gona cmplain abt?
hey... i dwnloaded d song... dor - yeh honsla... u like it, na?
guess wt? 11 comments agn.. u owe gooonj n me a treat... congrts!! btw, whn we going blog chattin again?
it reminded me of my trip to gangtok :(
u havent mentioned abt those cute naughty dogs :P
i cud eat rice one whole month u know :P
the pics are super amazing ... and i wanna see more!!
changu lakeeeeeeeeeeeee ... we've got memories from there too .... therez a mountain kinda thingy somewhere near ... and u see lotsa snow .... and we 4 brave kids wanted to pick up snow balls. ..and we walked along the mountain (wich was very risky) to get em! :D :D
well written :)
hey did smebdy say treat!!if commenting here can get me one m gonna comment daily!!!hahaha
m already thinkin wat m i gonna eat!:))
@ mann...
yeah...u guys are the bestest:). And did I hear treat...? U guys giving me a treat....awwww:)
@ CT
heyy its great to have u back!!!N I saw only cute furry mota dogs......none of them were naughty. More pics.....hmmm sure thing!!!
@ goonj
and what are u thinking about eating???
i am not giving u one... u owe gooonj n me 1... chor!!!
gooonj! back me up here
new post? pls pls? sometime soon?
amazing!! having spent 4 yrs in Sikkim... i don't think i would have been able to catalogue things better......... Nah!! Its difficult for me, I'd become nostalgic!! And too abd you went for Yumthang at that time of teh year.. could have hit Pelling you know, or the ghost bunglow at Arhitar (if i remember right!!).... too many places... and very little time..... that's Sikkim..... a small essence of how huge India really can be!!
Btw, regarding Baba Mandir: It's because of Harbhajan Singh, a havildar if i remember correctly..... died while on duty in 1962.... was quite instrumental in manning teh Nathula Pass post after most the troop there had collapsed, and reinforcements were still a little time to come in.....
Supposed to be still on payroll,a nd receives a vacation every now and then, when his uniform and boots and other such belongings are taken back to Punjab..... he's still getting promoted......
A ghost story, but somehow shows taht teh Indian Defence system can take care of the families of its own, and not that which is reported every now and then is always true!!
Phew!! I can go on and on!! I better stop!! :)
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