They say things happen for a reason….I believed that things happen coz they have to happen…its like ‘things’ have nothing better to do but to happen. …..Not any more!!
6 months seem like a drop in the ocean of a lifetime. Lifetime, which promises laughter & sadness, smiles & tears, joys & sorrows, hope & worthlessness. Emotions which make the lifetime worth living…Little was I to know that the ‘much acclaimed’ cheesy comment was to change my life…for the better.
A friend who listens, a friend who expects nothing, a friend who cares, a friend who bears the worst of my tantrums (and a lot of them at that), a friend who has seen and taken me through the highest of highs and lowest of lows, a friend who taught me the importance of being me and not to care about what others think ….This doesn’t even begin to describe Mann. She claims to be much older than her and somehow has made me believe her. She’s seen a lot more than I have, she is a lot wiser than I am… always has the right thing to say and has this uncanny knack of knowing what I am thinking.
Finally, it was to happen….after almost 6 months of talking to her and almost knowing her like the back of my hand, I was to meet her. “I was nervous” is an understatement. But I shouldn’t let it be known!! Coz, knowing her, I was sure that she would be too. So I pretended that I was the calmest person alive when we spoke on that fateful Friday afternoon. “We’ll meet at Barista…around 2 – 2:30. Don’t reach there until I call u abt me leaving from office.” My precise last words to her. As expected, she reached there at 2 and called me. I was still at office. Some 45 mins away!!! I took a cab and we spoke for almost about 30 mins about random things. I could sense her sense of nervousness as well and I wondered if she would sense mine too.
MD: You aren’t walking in t\with the phone in your hands. That’s would be funny!
Me: y would it be funny? I think that’d be rather appropriate!
Me: Ok Ok….I’ll tell you when I’m abt 5 mins away from u……hey I can see the flyover. I am 5 mins away!!
MD: OK….
Me: Should I keep the phone down? Do you want 5 mins before the shock?
MD: Yes please….
I hung up and waited for the taxi to reach the new market. Those were one long 5 mins. I was walking towards Barista and suddenly something came over me and I stopped. I looked around, bought a mint and stood there for abt a minute and then walked past the Barista. Realizing suddenly that I’d missed it, I walked back towards the glass door …As I entered, I could see a rather squishy, cute bespectacled girl sitting rather edgily on the chair in her bright blue kurta reading on something. This has to be her!! I walked in and suddenly, the nervousness seemed to disappear in her aura. She still had not notices me or was she pretending not to have. . “Whack!!” I smacked (or so she says) on her head with the papers in my hand and she looked up…Suddenly a cold chill ran down my spine… “What if this isn’t her?” It was too late….!
Thankfully it was her! She smiled and we said our “customary” hi’s! The self proclaimed shy girl turned out to be a rather talkative person and very pleasantly so. We were at barista for almost an hour talking away to glory, still squabbling over petty things like her refusing to show her college I card. A cup of coffee and a blueberry muffin later we decided to get outta there. I suddenly remembered…. “You haven’t ever had a Gulab Jamun…Have u?” We started walking towards KC das when she grabbed hold of my hand for the first time and pulled me towards a shop or rather in front of it and pointed somewhere. I looked in to see 4-5 puppies sleeping at their cutest best. Zapp…she takes out her Motorola V3 and shows me a picture that she had taken earlier….
MD: Aren’t they really cute…?
Me: Yeah…very!! Those are street dogs….right?
MD: No…they are puppies…!!!
Me: Ok…can we go to KC das??
MD: look look…there are more of them….an entire litter…8 of them! I wish I had 8.
Me: You already have 4.
MD: I have 5. Don’t forget Gin! And another 20 at my farm house.
Me: Hmmm…Nice!! KC das?
6 months seem like a drop in the ocean of a lifetime. Lifetime, which promises laughter & sadness, smiles & tears, joys & sorrows, hope & worthlessness. Emotions which make the lifetime worth living…Little was I to know that the ‘much acclaimed’ cheesy comment was to change my life…for the better.
A friend who listens, a friend who expects nothing, a friend who cares, a friend who bears the worst of my tantrums (and a lot of them at that), a friend who has seen and taken me through the highest of highs and lowest of lows, a friend who taught me the importance of being me and not to care about what others think ….This doesn’t even begin to describe Mann. She claims to be much older than her and somehow has made me believe her. She’s seen a lot more than I have, she is a lot wiser than I am… always has the right thing to say and has this uncanny knack of knowing what I am thinking.
Finally, it was to happen….after almost 6 months of talking to her and almost knowing her like the back of my hand, I was to meet her. “I was nervous” is an understatement. But I shouldn’t let it be known!! Coz, knowing her, I was sure that she would be too. So I pretended that I was the calmest person alive when we spoke on that fateful Friday afternoon. “We’ll meet at Barista…around 2 – 2:30. Don’t reach there until I call u abt me leaving from office.” My precise last words to her. As expected, she reached there at 2 and called me. I was still at office. Some 45 mins away!!! I took a cab and we spoke for almost about 30 mins about random things. I could sense her sense of nervousness as well and I wondered if she would sense mine too.
MD: You aren’t walking in t\with the phone in your hands. That’s would be funny!
Me: y would it be funny? I think that’d be rather appropriate!
Me: Ok Ok….I’ll tell you when I’m abt 5 mins away from u……hey I can see the flyover. I am 5 mins away!!
MD: OK….
Me: Should I keep the phone down? Do you want 5 mins before the shock?
MD: Yes please….
I hung up and waited for the taxi to reach the new market. Those were one long 5 mins. I was walking towards Barista and suddenly something came over me and I stopped. I looked around, bought a mint and stood there for abt a minute and then walked past the Barista. Realizing suddenly that I’d missed it, I walked back towards the glass door …As I entered, I could see a rather squishy, cute bespectacled girl sitting rather edgily on the chair in her bright blue kurta reading on something. This has to be her!! I walked in and suddenly, the nervousness seemed to disappear in her aura. She still had not notices me or was she pretending not to have. . “Whack!!” I smacked (or so she says) on her head with the papers in my hand and she looked up…Suddenly a cold chill ran down my spine… “What if this isn’t her?” It was too late….!
Thankfully it was her! She smiled and we said our “customary” hi’s! The self proclaimed shy girl turned out to be a rather talkative person and very pleasantly so. We were at barista for almost an hour talking away to glory, still squabbling over petty things like her refusing to show her college I card. A cup of coffee and a blueberry muffin later we decided to get outta there. I suddenly remembered…. “You haven’t ever had a Gulab Jamun…Have u?” We started walking towards KC das when she grabbed hold of my hand for the first time and pulled me towards a shop or rather in front of it and pointed somewhere. I looked in to see 4-5 puppies sleeping at their cutest best. Zapp…she takes out her Motorola V3 and shows me a picture that she had taken earlier….
MD: Aren’t they really cute…?
Me: Yeah…very!! Those are street dogs….right?
MD: No…they are puppies…!!!
Me: Ok…can we go to KC das??
MD: look look…there are more of them….an entire litter…8 of them! I wish I had 8.
Me: You already have 4.
MD: I have 5. Don’t forget Gin! And another 20 at my farm house.
Me: Hmmm…Nice!! KC das?

We walked to KC Das after dodging through the Kolkata traffic. It took us ages to reach there. I made Mann have her first Gulab Jamun….and I’m so proud of myself for it. However, her face told a different story. She gulped it down….with an expression on her face that I’ll never forget. It was a cross between an expression that u make when you are made to eat something that u hate and one when u eat something u love. You had to see it to know it.
The plan next was to spend a lil time together…what better place than the banks of Ganges…Right? So off we went on to millennium park…took a ferry ride to and from howrah. The sun setting provided the most picturesque of all sights!

All this while we kept talking …not a minute of uncomfortable silence. Never did it seem a first meeting. As the sun set out came the love birds…and plenty of them…hiding behind the trees….thinking they weren’t visible….Me and Mann had a laugh riot pointing at them and laughing at them. We decided to grab a quick bite at Bar-b-que and then head home coz it was getting rather late for her and uncle would’ve been waiting.
Here’s a list of what all I ate when we were together….one coffee, one blue berry muffin, 2 roshogullas, peanuts, Ice cream, soup and Prawns!! 4 hrs….lots of talking, food, fun…awesome time. I dropped her off at her hotel and we decided to meet the next day in the morning at flurry’s.
The second day… I’d heard a lot about breakfast at flury’s which is supposed to be one of the best confectionaries in Cal.

MD: “Get up!!! By when can u reach Flury’s?”
Me:…ehhhh…what time is it??? Umm….I’ll be there by 9:30…or maybe 10. I’ll call u when I get out.
MD: Ok…I’ll be there….Dad’s coming too!
Me: I know….
MD: Wish Dad…eat properly…joke around….dad likes funny people….Don’t be nervous!
Me: (to myself) Why would I be nervous….I’m just meeting a friend’s dad!! Its not like she is my GF…!!! He wouldn’t kill me….would he???!! Why did she have to say that??
I rolled out of the bed by abt 8:30 and got dressed….took the metro (which was supremely crowded) to Park street and walked to flury’s. We had breakfast …rather uneventfully..except me dropping the fork a couple of times . I wasn’t nervous….!!! I know someone who would tend to disagree. I had a cheese omelet and a couple of sausages. It provided for the strength I needed next to help move the luggage to a hotel. The hotel seemed pretty decent for the room. I couldn’t help but get a feeling that it was because of me that they had to stay where they had to….they deserved a better place though!!
I had an appointment with the dentist for Saturday morning. All I could think about sitting in the dentist’s chair is that I should get over with it soon. We were done by about noon. Mann and I decided to catch a movie. We got the tickets for casino Royale and decided to go eat something. Hakka was at the top of my mind for more than one reason. It’s a Chinese restaurant with great food. We had Hot and Sour soup which was the awesomest u’d get anywhere….I had crabmeat for the first time. Great food always makes me happy. More was to come. City center is an awesome place to spend time. We still had some time to kill so we decided to kill some time at Timezone….a videogame parlour. Yes …you read that right….We killed some dinosaurs and drove some cars and killed some more dinosaurs. The movie was ok….the ice cream and the coke kept me going. Saturday evening usually is rather crowded. And we were rather full…So we decided to keep it light . I left Mann with her dad at night. While coming back the only thing I remember thinking about is…. “Great company….I wonder why she wouldn’t accept!??” Had an awesome night’s sleep that day….the best day in Kolkata yet….Little did I know….there was more to come:)!
I for one am really scared of heights and that’s precisely I had to face the next day. We decided to go to an amusement park….the only one in cal….I was apprehensive at first. Little did I know that this was gonna be one of the best days yet….I decided not to have breakfast that day and popped in a coule of avomines fearing that I’ll end up puking on one of the rides. We reached Nicco Park at about 1130 which was rather early even by Calcutta standards. We decided to roam around for a while and then start of with the rides. The virtual simulator, the civilization boat ride, the water shoot, the ropeway….and more. This was the first time that I decided to get on to a roller coaster. To say that I was shit scared would be an understatement. My palms were sweaty and my heart was beating at the rate of knots!! I decided not to back out. As it began to move u grabbed on to the handle with all the force. It started to climb up and all I could think was “I wanna get outta here.” All I could say was…. “Oh ****!!” the next 2 mins of my life are a blur….the ups and the downs and the turns and more ups and more downs… As I got off it…I couldn’t help but feel proud of myself…My heart was willing for more, my mind said no. and the person who’d made me overcome this fear was right next to me…and I was glad she was there. I was glad I did this….
Once the rides were done, we decided to the next obvious thing….eat:D. Shared an egg roll of which I ended up eating the lions share. At the counter, Mann stood with her arms spread straight looking at the person making the juice with droopy eyes as though pleading him just like a 5 yr old would do to hurry up. Lunch done…Mann had this awesome idea that we should go to the science city….now I’d seen science city but I always thought it was a rather kiddish place to go. But we did end up goin there and believe me it was fun. I guess it’s got a lot to do with the company. Mann was almost like a child lost in a huge candy store…moving from one display to the other. I was there right behind her almost feeling like a guardian. Once I got into it, the roles reversed….!!! She became the guardian and I was the child in the candy store. The rather impressive Evolution zone, the rather sad 3D zone, the rather exciting time zone and the rather cozy space theatre, it was all a lot of fun! By the time we were done with all of this it was rather late…late evening and dark. And when the darkness comes, so do the coochie cooing couples. Unfortunately, we found ourselves walking out of an area infested….yes INFESTED by them. 1 couple per tree was the order of the day…and there were plenty of trees!! I always wonder why on earth do they need do what they do in public…?? Makes me icky..!!
We walked out with we making lewd remarks about what we just saw and Mann almost feeling embarrassed to the point of disowning me!! We took a taxi and decided to go get something to eat….The taxi broke down in the middle of nowhere and we had to walk almost half a km before we got another one to take us to where we had to go…the much acclaimed and awaited Honey da Dhaba…. I’d heard so much abt this place from mann that I soo wanted to go there. It was very unlike what I had pictured it to be…it was a proper restaurant with carved furniture, napkins, AC, an LCD TV and more. I was looking for a open air thing with charpais and manjas with onion and green chilly in glasses with trucks standing all around! I was a little disappointed; however, the disappointment vanished as soon as I started eating. Awesome food would be an understatement. I had butter chicken for the first time in Calcutta and enjoyed myself. I have this major weakness for food…. (As if it wasn’t already evident). Mann hardly ate anything in spite of me forcing her….Coming to think of it, of all the times we were together , I remember myself hogging everywhere and her…just pecking at food!! I always wondered, how anyone can manage to do that…my sister does that too! C’mon…its food…its there to be eaten!!! Mann said she was happy seeing me eat …. Ideally it should’ve made me conscious….I didn’t even notice it until she said that. Good foor, great company, great times….what else could I wish for??
Satiated, we took a cab and moved back to where uncle was. My cell played Goo Goo Dolls and Aerosmith while we drove back to Barista…where else? Funny how things come full circle…???!! I met uncle and we ended up having cold coffee ….rather yummy ….I guess it was the company again!!!
I went back thinking….What did I ever do to get such a friend? The answer I gave to myself…Ur just plain n simple lucky!!
The next day was a Monday…office time. Mann and uncle were to shift to Keshtopur. I was glad she was coming nearer. We decided to meet up at about 2 and I told her I would show her my flat. I know it was in a mess. She called at about 1:45 and said that she would be delayed….I fled to my house and cleaned it up a little. Made it just about presentable. At least what little I could do in the little time. Met her at about 2:30 and we walked about 10 mins to my house which I was rather proud of by now after cleaning it. She’d gotten her laptop…She was rather impressed to see my part of the house…I was glad that someone was…I always find it a lil too empty! Mann opened her laptop and all I could do was ogle at the huge collection of awesome songs. To my surprise she’d already burned most of them for me and she gave me 2 rather incredible CD’s which I just can’t stop listening to! We were there for almost an hour after which we decided to go grab something to eat. We went to the food court and had a kiwi shake which tasted rather bad but Mann still insisted on finishing it. And some Malaysian chicken curry. We had to go back to Time zone and kill a few more dinosaurs. This time we had a rather freaky idea…..let’s get a sketch thing done…. And we did…turned out rather well.

Mann was flying off next day morning….I reached the airport rather early. Almost about half an hour before her. … I was that eager to see her. It turns out that her flight was cancelled. She was rescheduled on an evening flight. I went back to office with a strange sense of happiness knowing that she’z still around. Even though I wasn’t able to take time off that day, I did manage to get out of office rather early and see her off at the airport for the second time….I had a feeling in my gut that this time, it was for real and I had to tighten up. I have never been good with bye’s ….. I always end up not looking at the person I am saying a bye to and start thinking of something else as soon as I leave. Mann, to her credit was a picture of composure. So was uncle…Neither of them cried, neither of them wanted to see the other person cry….! The inevitable was near. The byes were difficult, she flew kingfisher to delhi and then to pune…and I drove a ambassador taxi home. Things had come a full circle yet again….
Now is not for ever!!!
oh my god!!! i dnt think i cd hv done ne bettr dn dis!!! im so proud of u!!! i luv it! n i luv u!
n darling, y do u insist on mking me sound lk an angel of sorts wn actually im quite the opposite... u dint mention the many times i teased u 2 d point whr u wud b close 2 tears beggin me 2 stop... n d amount of times i kept tickling u n poking at ur dimple (gorgeous dimple!)...
T-r u nt scared of me? intimidated by me tat u continue doin dis?
M-r u insane? i luv it... n u luv it. so stp pretending :P
n u so whacked me on d head wid those reliance mutual fnd papers... n i'll nvr forget hw ur hand shook while eating the blueberry muffins... :P n it wd hv been so funyy hd u come in wid the fone in ur hands, stood in front of me and gone "hi. im here.. so hw r u?"
n dose puppies were cute :( dnt laugh at me!!! n as 4 d gulaab jamuns, cummon! u admitted tat it wasnt the best uv had... the tea junction ones i enjoyed... u cnt deny tat!
n the ferry ride was soooooo awesome... u dint mention hw crazy i went wen i saw the bubble makers there... remember? u gave me such a wierd look wen u saw tat my feet dint touch the floor of the ferry like i ws insane or smething :( dont laugh at me!!!
n im nt taaaaaaat talkative with every1 - dnt u knw?
n u bloody liar!!! u so were nervous abt meeting dad!!! dnt u dare lie to me... u said so urself... n u dint mention again tat i kept teasing u "u came all the way to flury's for cheese omlette?" n pls dnt start wid the hotel thing again... u knw tat we stayed there cuz my mama was out of town. n it wasnt tat bad!!! 400 bucks man! with tv n all!!! some1 shud tell all those smooching couples abt this offer, inni?
d dentists ws fun!!! u were gting a root canal done n u dint evn knw it! duh!
u dint mention the hyoglycemic attack... gosh u were so scared n trying so hard to hide it n failing all the more for it!!! i scared ya, dint i? hugs!!!
n u squeeeeeeeeled lk a girl on the roller coaster... u n i were so shaken at the end of it. bt the scariii sho ws so cheesy... ws fun tho seeing ur wasp shirt turn white n black :P in the UV. n u loved the water shoot... n u still laugh everytime u think of me at tat bloody counter... "uncle mere paas paise nahi hai magar pls chocolate de do... mujhe bhook lagi hai"- tats wt u said!!! :( dont laugh at me!!! its nt my fault if i cudnt reach up2 it... i barely mk it up2 ur chin as it is.
n science city ws awesome!!! we went on the ropeway n stuff rememeber? n u nearly slept off at the planetarium during d sharks documentary... wudv been nr intresting in english, inni?
n u were so happy at honey da dhaba-u took a bite looked up at me and smiled - heaven - and my heart stopped beating... id nvr seen u tat happy n tat content n u mad my day... n i did eat!!! i ate one WHOLE nan!!! besides, if i hogged the chiken there wud b none lft for u... dnt call me a ninny wen it comes to food! evn in the cab back... u were so happy... u squished my hand n played i dnt wanna miss a thing n iris!!! ooooh it gave me goose bumps...
n ur place is nice!!! n remember the bridge??? ooooh tat was fun in a scary way... or is it scary in a fun way? n u dint mention the college ka cd u gave me... u modelling!!! wo baby!!! have mercy! lolz. n i gt songs for uncle as well.. pls do give em to him n convey my regards... n d tea for aunty... n dhriti's stuff as well...
bt we had fun at ccd.. u gv me tat wierd look again wen i said "i like ice". we had so much ice tat day, dint we? bt u liked it, dint u? n abdul is so ur house husband... he evn gt defensive n jealous we u said "main isse ghar chor aata hoon." "kyun, main nahi chal sakta? walk ho jaayegi." lolz... n u guys coook for each othr n wait fr each other before eating... n oh! tumne nahi kaha tha use, "kabhi tereko science city le jaunga..." awwwwwwwwwwww... y cnt all couples b like u... lolz... k chill dude... hugs!!!
n u dint mention wt happened at the airport... i saw u from inside n i called ur cell...
M-i cn see u, y dnt u come in?
T-main kaise aau???
M-go n bye a ticket na... tum jaha khare ho wahan se thoda aage... yeah turn left now... god! dnt look so confused... jst bye a ticket!
n the flight geting cancelled n stuff ws so bad, cuz i had to go thru all of it again... n i may hv been composed at the airport bt u knw i was crying all the way on my 5 hr flite to pune... i remember callin u 4m delhi aiport n u were like "ur such a strong person. u dint cry... m so proud of u for tar..." n i was like "wt the hell m i doing now? n the airhostess thinks im crazy cuz ive been howling all the way here. n delhi looks so pretty at night - i wish u were here..."
tanuj... i cnt say thanks... bt i will say this - i hate relativity... we had so much fun tat those 5 days seemed like 5 minutes now... n the next few months r gonna b like decades! bt at least i gt u... im so glad i replied 2 tat cheesy comment... im in tears as i write this n i knw u hate me crying... bt i miss u n i miss d good times... n im so proud of u... n so grateful to hav u in my life... luv u lots... biiiiig hugs...
Heyy...I think that the comment is better than what I've ended up writing:P. what say Gunjan??? back me up here!
I do not make u sound is just u!! and u never irritated me itna....Yes u did tickle me...and at the weirdest of times. I can ever forget u tickling me at the airport!!
yeah I did miss a lot of things...didnt i? I'm glad u decided to write the 2 page long comment!
One word for the 4 days...BLISS!and always remember...u get what u deserve ...not more not through situations and the 5 decades will become 5 mins again!!
oh hey... srry i 4gt 2 mention this in my comment... mr.kapoor here calls me later that eveing after our first meeting n i cudnt help gv in2 my curiosity...
M-so wts ur first reaction?(i dint mention "abt d day" cz i thot it ws undrstood. d duff tat he is, he thot i ws fishing 4 comliments - dnt u knw me well enuf?)
T-u knw wt? u portray urself to be a lot worse than u actually r.
stunned silence n i burst out laughing!!!
T-NOOOOO tats nt how i ment it... i mean u luk fresh all d time
M-oh my god!!!tats a new low even for u, tanuj!!! aur kuch ahi mila to u hd to dig so desperately n u come up with "u look fresh all the time"? wt the hell kind of compliment is tat?
i was laughing so hard n my tummy hurt! n he was soo flustered n upset...
n the comment is not bettr than the post... i wud nvr steal ur thunder tat way!!! just the ending... u knw tat it ws one of the hardest things ive evr done... getting on ta plane... gosh! do u remember how i shooed u and dad away? cuz i wud hv kept coming bak... n i nvr told u or dad this, bt the que for the security chek ws soooo long and the tears were flying so thick and fast... they made an exception 4 me n scooted me to the head of the line n had me on the bus b4 i cud say "astalavista, baby"... mayb they dint want the runway flooded :P
one mr thing... all photos courtesy- mann... thanku thanku... i knw im jst fabulous, dah-ling!!! lemme here tat applause... bt the puppies r soooooooooooo cute!!! cummon sweets, u gotta admit it...
hey tanuj...did u jus steal mah reaction??
mannz comment is sure a lot better insight into d awesome time u guys had together!!
wen i saw ur post...which looked really long...i was so excited...ok finally i too can knw hw was it...but wen i finished readin it...i was like is dis guy a male version of me??
i mean everytime i expected to read more about mann n all i get is foood!!
but watever u had written bout mann was all soo cute!!
i can imagine her sitting on d ferry dangling her feet!!
nw dat ive heard her talk...i can picture her bullying you n doing all those crazy things!!
n thanks to her comment i got to knw wat d real fun was!!
house husband made rotfl!!mann dat was sooo funny....:))
i still cant stop laghin at that!!
m sure she is soo much fun to be with!!n now i so wanna ride buffaloes with her at her farm:))
n all those pics were jus soo amazin!!
my fav was d one of the two of you!!absolutely loved it!!
surely one thing to keep for life!!
touchwood but u guys are jus sooo lucky to hav found each other!!
n i am soo lucy to hav found d both of you!!
i love ya guys...
n i hope u get more of eachother...
prayers n hugs
aww gunjan, u shud hv included urself in tat prayer as well... lol... we're all lucky, arent we??? n u knw wt? u n me cn gang up on abdul n him... hehe... its so cute the way they r!! wink!!!
oooh we can go buffalo riding whnever we want!!! n climb up mango trees and n steal berries. we so hv to go to the village n eat chulhe pe bani roti n pyaaz ki chutni... oooohh wen we going??? tanuj n gunjan, u game???
lol...jess...nw me too wanna c abdul n tanujz pair n pull their leg:))
pyaz ki chutney mat yaad dilaya kar...makes me want to start a rebellion at home n go with u guys to d farm!!
oooooh u'll luv it... hehe... tanuj... ur the only one left nw... u game???? we'll hv so much fun...
ahemahem....sure sure...well u know wht i meant when i said that.......welll i guess u don't....i just wanna say that i'm glad that i have ya around....
i might say stoopid things all the time...but as someone told me once....
"jst remember tat i luv ya... at the end of it all..."
We sure did have an awesome time.
Did we not?
@ gunjan..
thanks for backing me here lady....I'm glad someone thinks objectivel. isn;t mann at the top of the league when it comes to writing??? U ain't far behind either:) thanks for the prayers....u are included in them too...u like it or not!!
@ both of u...
Sure thing...lets do it...i'm game...anytime:)
i think u r nt objective!!! n i luv ya 2... and yes we did hav an awesome time... and wen r we going?
perhaps teh best post i have read so far!! :)
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