Cartoons...I just love them. They help you forget everything, often passing on the subtlest of messages in the funniest of ways! Here are a list of cartoon strips that I admire in order of preference!!
1) Garfield- (Jim Davis) - the cool cat....lazy, hungry, cunning and lovable. Reminds me of me!!

2) Calvin and Hobbes -(Bill Watterson)- Explains life in the simplest of ways and makes u realise that life ain't as tough as u make it out to be.

3) Dilbert- (Scott Adams)- Makes complete sense of corporate life.Infact makes a mockery of it. A recent favourite!

oi i love cartoons too....they really do bring dat smile on ur face...n wake up dat child in u!
loved d dilbert one...where he says "the most effective way to respond to a question is to drone about unrelated topics. this has the dual advantage of avoiding giving wrong answers and reducing the volume of future questions" :))
now i knw from where did all my teacherz take inspiration:))
n i loved ur take on all o em!
actually buddy...u let d smiles keep flowing!
u rock...truly!
cartoons make more sense than life anyday.... those 3 are my personal fav too
i have one wrd 2 garantee laughs - garfield!!!
i love cartoons... they put evrything in2 perspctiv...
I love cartoon movies too...i thinkthey are much better than the regular one's!! thanks a ton for everything!
I don't see ur comments as often as I used too! Cartoons.......they do make complete sense of a nonsensical life.....don't they?
I love garfield tooo....I think I am sooo like him. sleep a lot, eat a lot and believe in doin nothing:). Calvin is great too...try catchin up on dilbert as well!
boy u like cartoon movies n garfield??
smthing perfect is cming up then!!
ive seen d trailors n boy they are amazing!they totally had me in splits!u better not miss it!
oooohhh garfield mooviee... wen where n hw much do the tickets cost???!!!
oi mann....well take a treat frm tanuj fo dis one! lolz!
wat say tanuj??
i agree with gooonj!!! tat makes it 2 is to 1... tanuj, TREAT!!! u going home also na??? so u owe us... n NEW POST!!! i need some reading material, child...
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