I’m gonna start calling my life a routine from now on. As much as it brings in a sense of “the known”, it takes away the fun element. Why does everything look the same when they say that each day is a new day? Why do I find myself ambling through the day’s work and end up feeling that I’ve done this before? Why is routine so boring? Or is it I who finds the same thing painstakingly monotonous?
I, for one, find it really difficult to stay put in one place….and that’s why all the traveling (U shud’ve realized that by now). In yet another attempt to get out of the routine trap I planned a visit to Patna (well other people had a major had in the planning the trip…but who cares…I went through with it)….By the way….Yeah u read that right…Patna!! I do have a strong Bihari Connection….my dad was born and brought up in Patna and he stayed there until he was 17 before he got into the NDA. My dad’s elder brother, Bade Papa, still lives there. The last time I was in Patna was about 9 yrs ago…I was a gauky 16 year old (seems like ages ago)! The town has a strange sort of an aura to it…..for me it does! It puts my mind to rest. Maybe its the family...maybe its the home...i wouldn't know and I wouldn't think about it.. Should I?
I, for one, find it really difficult to stay put in one place….and that’s why all the traveling (U shud’ve realized that by now). In yet another attempt to get out of the routine trap I planned a visit to Patna (well other people had a major had in the planning the trip…but who cares…I went through with it)….By the way….Yeah u read that right…Patna!! I do have a strong Bihari Connection….my dad was born and brought up in Patna and he stayed there until he was 17 before he got into the NDA. My dad’s elder brother, Bade Papa, still lives there. The last time I was in Patna was about 9 yrs ago…I was a gauky 16 year old (seems like ages ago)! The town has a strange sort of an aura to it…..for me it does! It puts my mind to rest. Maybe its the family...maybe its the home...i wouldn't know and I wouldn't think about it.. Should I?
This time was no different. The train chugged in at 7:30 and I couldn’t stop smiling as soon as I stepped down. “Back after ages….. You still are the same!!” The accented hindi, the crazy traffic, the insanely high autos, the potholed roads, the confusing crowd, the nauseating odour…it was still there. Rewind 9 years and the town was still the same.
Chetan Bhaiya was already home when I reached. The smile only got broader from then on. Meeting Ma, badepapa, Chetan Bhaiya ……The cherry on the icing was the food. One thing I miss here in Kolkata is the home food….the aaloo paratha, the bhindis, the rajmas, its not the same……whichever restaurant I go to. You’d think that I’d loose weight…I’m not one to loose any of it especially with the amount I eat out everytime even though I might complain about it. Makes me wonder at times how people manage to say they don’t have an appetite….I guess God created me to balance for them!
We had to go to Amrita bhabhi’s place to pick her and the two kids up. This was the first time that I would be going to her place and she’s been married 9 years….figures! The next two days went off in a flash…and all I can remember of the last 3 days is the people and what they mean to me..…
Chetan Bhaiya…referred by me more often than not as CK…he has been an inspiration to me in more ways than one even though I might never have told this to him. I still remember him telling rather scolding me (after I got a 40 odd in my Maths preboard) that anything less than a 70 % is a failure…. I guess I did my MBA coz I saw him do it and do well after it. I secretly admired him for the decisions he took howsoever unconventional …..his conviction, his belief in doing what he thought was right.
Bade Papa… Having stayed his entire life in Patna, I’m sure he has seen much more than I could ever hope to know. He is the quiet one…much like my dad or maybe me to a large extent. But it’s the small things that he does is what makes him special…. He is undoubtedly the pillar of the family and the strongest one at that.
Maa… need I say more?? The picture which comes to my mind when I think of her is, her standing and showing off that million dollar smile. Almost as though telling us that nothing is worth loosing it. She has been through a lot as well and I admire her courage to fight on and to never give in howsoever difficult the odds may be. A lot of people would have thrown in the towel where she fought on …and won….Courage personified!
Amrita bhabhi….She is the elder sister I always wanted…well not quite if u think literally….but in more ways than one. The more I say about her, the lesser it’d be. She epitomizes the word “mother”. Let Aatmaj and Aadhar (her 2 adorable kids) know that they are the lucky one’s…I’ve seen her through the worst of times with just a teardrop in her eye and a smile on her face. She has seen it all….and more!
The trip this time around was made even more special coz all of them were there. Each time I meet these people I realize how lucky I am. I wish we all stay the way we are….I always end by saying that Now is not forever….I’m tempted to wish that “Let now be forever….”

you knw wt? i hvnt been to patna in a long long time but wt i remember of it is the strong sun and the biting winter... the paanwallahs, the hindi, the memsaahibs in flurescent green and hot pink and the khaajas...
reading this post made me think of all the people back home... the (probably) thousands of ppl (extended family included - now spread out all over the world). i wish we had one of those reunions... it would be fun... it made me think of ghanshyam chacha - who would tell me stories of robbers he had put behind bars in his 20 odd yrs in the police... of nibha fufu, hu wasnt married back then - she would bring flowers and supervise as i made maalas for the morning pooja... raju chacha - forever the prankster - he's been yelled at by my dad countless no. of times for tickling me while i tried to sleep... how i miss the chulhe ki roti and the smell of freshly ploughed earth... the labours bring in the crops, the threashing, the goats and the frogs! chasing after the poultry and setting the dogs after the wild cats who came out of the thick bamboo infestations... it would rain and the village would go mad - impromptu competitions were held to see who gets the most fish by hand... we would all jump into the pond and soil our clothes and no1 would dare stop me (no1 does even today)... the home grown litchi, the mangoes and the banana plantains... the bad roads, ancient mahindra commanders, the dust, the dung, the lack of electricity, no telephones and it still felt like heaven... watching the panchaayat in session - the village elders squabbling like petulant children... the melas and haats... the roasted peas and melting "cream baraf" (home made popsicles) and the glorious crowd...
gosh, tanuj... thanx for these few minutes of absolute nostalgia...
Hey....I wish I could have been through all of that....Lets make sure that we do end up going to that village of yours one day...Gunjan should come along too....what say?? It would be real fun....Can u beat it....I haven't ever stayed at a village...I mean I have seen a village and everything close to patiala but never been and stayed at one...that shud be fun...
it will b fun if u can cope with the heat in the summers, the slosh in the monsoons and the chill in the winters... it will b fun if u can live without a telephone and postal service... it will b fun if u can actually salvage ur bones after the ride in the old commander... it will b fun if u can sleep while rats run riots on the roof and along the old wood beams of the house. it will b fun if u can over look al the insects and animals and dirt and dung and the staring masses because for them u r the fascination creature... ive grown up amongst the scrutiny... i just hope u cn cope with it if we evr do gt a chance 2 do tat...
hey loved this post...made me think of my family too..n how much a few ppl mean to me...n how i dn think theyll ever knw hw they helped shape my life d way it is!!
spcly ure mention of d cousin who inspired you...there are so many i hav who helped me find a direction in life but i dnt knw if ill ever b able to thank em fo it!!
n m also wondering how much hav things changed aftr all o em got married n are busy with lives of their own!!how i wish i cud hav em all cme together once again fo that rakhi ceremony n dig into all those chole puriz n hav all those who'll eat more puriz competitionz!!:)
i too wud like to thank u fo d few minutes of nostalgia!!:)
n hey m game only fo buffalo rides n pyaz ki chutney!catchin live fish with hands...errrrr...never!!:))
lolzz... u cn watch the villagers do it...
hey nice one..........
forced me to go back to my days at boring canal rd........
actually was too young to remember anything.... '83-'88... so u knw how small i ws.... but really good to see such a sweet article abt a place wer i learned how to walk!!
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