Happy New Year...Here's something that I'm gonna try and live by this new year.....I hope it helps u in your resolutions too!
If you want something you never had, do something you've never done before

Don't go the way life takes you.
Take life the way you want to go .
And remember you are born to live and
not living because you are born.
ENJOY...coz NOW is not forever
awwwwwwwwwww osho's back!!! n seriously tho...
ive hd the opportunity to gt to know u... mayb ive knw u long enuf... then again mayb i havnt... i can nvr make up my mind - there's always something new about u... but i do know that yo will do everything in your power to measure up to the high expectations you have of yourself...
i knw it pointless wishing everything turns out the way u want it... you'd only cme back n tell me "i go everything i wanted - how boring!" so this new year, im wishing you the perfect mixture of happiness with the sad, success with its accompanying challenges, and love that has that bittersweet twang to it so u can, wen its all said and done, look back and smile; then turn and tell me, "its been a very good ride".
awww...i love that...I LOVE THAT..!! Thanks a tonnerssss! U know you are the bestest...U've swept the ground from under my feet! Read this again and u'll not need to ask me why i'm such a big fan of what u write...!! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!
Life is like having a cup of tea.
You sit by the side of the window, lift the cup and take a careless sip.
Only to realize, somebody forgot to put the sugar.
Too lazy to go for it, you somehow struggle through the sugarless cup.
Until you discover an un-dissolved sugar crystal sitting at the bottom... smiling back at you.
Thats life....
boy i loved each n everything written here there everywhere!!
both of u are sooo good at watever you do...:)
u guys hav inspired me soo much n with this post tanuj u hav given me a new direction to how m i gonna achieve wat i want to!!
thanks a tonn!!
have a great year ahead!!
ahaan some interestin piece of advice there i see :)
and its high time u change my name (Anna) and url in ur list! ;p
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