This is something that I had been thinking abt writing for a long time. The other day while talking to sumone I realized that the previous post gives out a sense that I did not enjoy my time as a member of the placecom. And I had to set it right. I gained a lot…a lot more than I think I was able to give back.
The earliest memories I have are those of standing outside ‘Chanakya’ for the interview in my green shirt feeling lost and wondering if it was the right thing I was doing. I was sure that I’d get in if….. IF I wanted it. I had heard a lot of stories abt it….some true, some false! The responsibility it involved, the effort it required, the time it needed. More than my capability, I was doubting my willingness. I was a totally obscure entity at IMT till then. I had chosen to be that way I guess. The only driver for me was doing it for the people I was standing up for. They deserved it…for their efforts, for their money, for their futures. Maybe they deserved better!
The initial few days were strange for me…I felt unusually out of place. It seemed that everyone knew everyone else except me! This was the ‘reward’ of obscurity. The first task was that of choosing the junior placement committee. And man was it a task….I would never forget those all nighters!! I guess I just went through the motions then, without knowing what I expected outta myself let alone the expectations of others! Am sure people were disappointed in me after that!!! I was too…! But hey..I was learning.
And learn I did…loads of things..! The bunch of people I worked with were wonderful and I learnt a lot from them….each and everyone of them were unique….! Here’s what the 6 months taught me…Let me know if u agree with them!
- Don’t give in until the very end…as they say…until the fat lady sings!
- Don’t ever shy away from taking tough decisions….some of which might even seem unfair at that time.
- Whatever you say, you have to manage your image in a positive manner..!!
- Enjoy small victories!
- Always try and walk the middle path…it’s the smart thing to do even though it might appear cowardly to others.
- You gotta be tough at times and you have to ‘show’ the displeasure. Else you get branded as a “softie”.
- Never let personal interactions decide your professional relationships.
- Always be prepared for criticism and take it constructively.
- Think big and achieve bigger!
- Work hard…and be visible when you do!
- If you aren’t an asset to the team, you are a liability!!
Nicely put Sphinx
Thanks for inviting me and so I am here again.
There are many things which teach us a lot, there are many things which teach us a little less but there is nothing that does not teach us anything. Once I read that no one teaches you, rather you get taught yourself. So learning is teaching yourself what ever the medium may be.
I am sure you might have learnt a lot by joining this place, what do u call it - Placecom. Remember that learning is not complete unless you put it to practise and improve. After all what should be a learners motto -- pursuit of excellence.
Some where you would have also learnt that you should take charge and also you should not be vulnerable. Think about it, you may get some new insight.
Remember one more thing what ever happens, happens for some reason. So was your joining placecom.
hmmm.. Nostalgia eh?
Gud work Tanuj
I particularly like :
Don’t ever shy away from taking tough decisions….some of which might even seem unfair at that time.
Very true, both, on personal n professional levels! Tough times dont last, tough people do!
Love ur writings!
hey tanuj... in ur earlier post, u were cribbing about placecom n i didnt know wat to put in the comment. i like it when people are optimistic. i really like this post... coz.. all's well that ends well. n u give me hope that one year down the line, i'll be fine with everything i am going through now... it'll be worth it. thanks buddy... u have been with me from day 1... even before i joined MBA.
@ Jerome
Absolutely true... It is very important to be the "boss" of the situation rather than letting the situation be your boss. Thanks for the insights...U write well am sure u have a blog too...lemme know !!
yeah...i guess i was a lil nostalgic...trying to make sense out of the time I spent:). Thanks for the support ashi...U've always be around to read whtever junk i write....n truly speaking ur blog was my inspiration:)
heyy..i wasn't compaining abt placecom even in the previous post...maybe it just came out wrong. There's always a trade off in the decisions u take. N hey...what was that thanks for....I thought thats what friends do..'be there for each other'...dont they??
Well I must appreciate you if you have actually managed to learn and bring in practice all that ... its very tough to have tht self control on urself i feel ...
I hv alwez enjoyed small victories ... thts why ppl think am a happy person ... but to be honest its how u portray ur image to others ... a positive image :)
yep very true abt softie ... though m nt really experiencd but i hv noticed this thing too often ..
criticism ... lol .. omg ... i cant take it .. i tend to run away
Work hard…and be visible when you do!
YES!! Thats the secret of everyting!
Very well analysed!! Very well!
wow..someone's been more regular with me blog than moi! standing outside chanakya in a green shirt..somehow that reminds me of my own times before jumping into sumfin..the apprehensions, the wonderings, the ponderings et al..i guess its something everyone can connect with
wow.. nice stuff.. wish i had discovered this blog earlier..
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